Monday, September 17, 2012

Vocab #6

1. Beatitude: (noun) supreme blessedness or happiness 

2. bête noire: (noun)
something that is particularly disliked
3. bode: (verb) to be an omen of, predict or foretell
4. dank: (adj.)
unpleasantly damp and chilly
5. ecumenical: (adj.) universal
6. fervid: (adj.) intense passion
7. fetid: (adj.)
having a stale nauseating smell, as of decay
8. gargantuan: (adj.)
sometimes capital huge; enormous
9. heyday: (noun)
the time of most power, popularity, vigor, etc; prime
10. incubus: (noun)
something that oppresses, worries, or disturbs greatly, esp a nightmare or obsession
11. infrastructure: (noun)
the basic structure of an organization, system, etc
12. inveigle: (verb)
often fall by into or an infinitive to lead (someone into a situation) or persuade (to do something) by cleverness or trickery
13. kudos: (noun)
functioning as singular acclaim, glory, or prestige
14. lagniappe: (noun)
something given or obtained as a gratuity or bonus
15. prolix: (adj.)
so long as to be boring; verbose
16. protégé: (noun) a person who is protected and aided by the patronage of another person

17. prototype:
(noun) one of the first units manufactured of a product, which is tested so that the design can be changed if necessary before the product is manufactured commercially
18. sycophant: (noun)
a person who uses flattery to win favor from individuals wielding influence; toady
19. tautology: (noun)
the use of words that merely repeat elements of the meaning already conveyed
20. truckle: (verb)
to yield weakly; give in

1.       The beatitude my family received after my sister’s birth was never forgotten.
2.       Certain insects like mosquitoes are just bête noires’.
3.        This letter boded for the families’ future.
4.       The cheap hotel was dank with little light.
5.       Not all morals are ecumenical.
6.       Christians are very fervid when they start out but it can become lukewarm if they forget why there here.
7.       The corps spread a fetid smell throughout the crime scene.
8.       The homework load seemed to gargantuan for the student to handle.
9.        He was quite a ladies’ man in his heyday.
10.   The victim was still cursed with an incubus every night that never ceased until morning.
11.   Every successful business needs a proper infrastructure.
12.   He didn’t pay attention in class but he was still able to inveigle people into doing his homework.
13.   The teacher gave the ace student kudos at the end of the year.
14.   Respect is something that hard working people get as lagniappe for all their work.
15.   Lectures are usually prolix but this one got my attention.
16.   Parents will do anything for their little protégés.
17.   New technology always starts out with a prototype.
18.   Sycophants are not very popular in school.
19.   Teachers find different ways to explain a word to a student through by tautology.
20.   A strong president will not truckle under pressure. 

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