Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Socratic Seminar # 1

I think one of the main problems today was that we were pretty much all agreed that we don't have a right to our own opinion (or those who didn't didn't say anything). The only reason we even really had a discussion at all was because of Conner disagreeing.
I think its a little sad that no one wanted to really participate.To me it can only be for a few reasons. They aren't really interested at all, they didn't read the article, or their just scared to share their opinion. Probably a mix.
I think the next one will be more successful and more ideas will be shared as long as few people start talking and we bring up points that not everyone agrees with.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflections on Week 1

1. I don't think I will have much trouble as far as technological limitations are concerned. The only real problem I've had so far was loading something from my phone to my blog but I don't think that will be a big problem.
2. I can't really think of a specific experiance described. But I have recently realized how amazing You Tube is. I've been watching videos for a while now but I never thought of being able to look up so many skills on the internet, from how to code to how to play the drums. I mean it really is amazing and Its so easy to use if you have an I-Touch.
3. Im really excited about the ideas that are going to come out of Project Infiniy and any ideas that Im able to come up with. I really want to learn more about computers, blogging, and the internet in general. Knowledge is power and there is tons of it out there rigth at our finger tips and if I can learn how to find it better I think my life will be much more enrinched and exciting.
