Monday, February 4, 2013

The Time of My Life

This is referring to my time in class last Friday

I talked mostly about Nature Blog with my friends. I asked a general question on what I can do to improve the blog. A very interesting idea I got from the discussion was the idea of a like and dislike system like one you would see on You Tube. I still need to research into this idea because no one else seems to know about it and I'm pretty happy my friend thought of it.

Another main idea was the choice to advertise my blog. There are several sites I can go for this kind of advertisement (Facebook, Red-It etc.). I was a little hesitant to this idea because I feel my blog is not ready for public display but what my teacher explained to me made a lot of sense.  Other people like being a part of something at the beginning and my blog is not going to be perfect but that's the whole point of "Open-Source" learning. People will help me make it better not only making it better than  I could ever make it on my own but they will also have invested in it. This investment will make them apart of my blog and willing to spend more time with it. They are helping me create something. 

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