Monday, September 24, 2012

Vocab #7

1.      Aberration: mental derangement or lapse

2.      Ad hoc: for a special case only, without general application
3.      Bane: deadly harm; ruin; death
4.      Bathos: an abrupt, often ludicrous change from the lofty to the ordinary or trivial in writing or speech; unintentional anticlimax
5.      Cantankerous: bad-tempered; quarrelsome
6.      Casuistry: the application of general principles of ethics to specific problems of right and wrong in conduct, in order to solve or clarify them
7.      De facto: existing or being such in actual fact though not by legal establishment, official recognition,
8.      Depredation: the act or an instance of robbing, plundering, or laying waste
9.      Empathy: the projection of one's own personality into the personality of another in order to understand the person better; ability to share in another's emotions, thoughts, or feelings
10.  Harbinger: a person or thing that comes before to announce or give an indication of what follows; herald
11.  Hedonism: the self-indulgent pursuit of pleasure as a way of life
12.  Lackluster: lacking brightness; dull
13.  Malcontent: discontented, dissatisfied, or rebellious
14.  Mellifluous: sounding sweet and smooth; honeyed
15.  Nepotism: favoritism shown to relatives, esp. in appointment to desirable positions         
16.  Pander: a person who provides the means of helping to satisfy the ignoble ambitions or desires, vices, etc. of another
17.  Peccadillo: a minor or petty sin; slight fault
18.  Piece de resistance: the main item or event in a series
19.  Remand: to send back; order to go back
20.  Syndrome: any set of characteristics regarded as identifying a certain type, condition
1.      As you get older your brain begins to slowly deteriorate with every aberration.
2.      Doctors can only give medicine that’s ad hoc for the illness.
3.      After reading this definition of this word the character in the new batman movie with bane in his name is scarier to me.
4.      Few times in our life will there be bathos, at least I hope.
5.      I can be cantankerous in the morning.
6.      The Bible is filled with casuistry and their relevance to the time period never changes.
7.      Evolution is de facto but there’s so much research into it that it’s accepted as fact almost.
8.      A Vikings way of living is through depredation.
9.      Few people are blessed with the gift of empathy.
10.  Every model show has a harbinger that announces the upcoming models.
11.  Hedonism seems misunderstood to me but it may just be an excuse to indulge one’s-self.
12.  The diamond ring was anything but lackluster.
13.  Few teenagers go through their years without malcontent towards their parents.
14.  Parents often have mellifluous stories to hide the cruel truth.
15.  Nepotism is common in royalty, it’s how it functions.
16.  I’m not sure if it’s worse to be the murderer or the one who panders the murderer.
17.  There are no peccadillos in my opinion.
18.  Everyone waits for the piece de resistance or climax in a novel.
19.  The heartbroken father told his son to remand back to his old ways or finally show respect towards him.
20.  We all have a syndrome to something.

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