Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tools That Change the Way We Think

Am I spending my time wisely?
Am I just wasting my time on distractions or am I actually using all these tools to increase my knowledge of the world? I try and ask my self that everyday because its so easy for me to sink hours after hours of my time into stuff that really doesn't matter. We think our generation is so lucky to have all this technology but when you think about it we have a lot more responsibility than people before us. These new tools can makes us better people or just balls of empty space.
It's harder to concentrate with so many different distractions but I think at the same time it makes my ability to focus stronger. Because I'm constantly having to fight off distractions I learn to focus better. That's of course "if" I fight off the distractions. If I don't I'm training my self to spend less and less time on a single subject. 
I really like the idea of being able to learn anything you want through a simple You Tube video. Imagine all the time you've spent on Facebook, games, or anything that's more focused on entertainment than learning. Now imagine all those hours invested in learning about the Bible, an instrument, a language, a novel, and just the world in general. That's how I want to spend my time but I'm held back by entertainment.

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