Sunday, April 14, 2013

Active reading notes 2

Here are my notes

  • Shakespeare writes so actors continue talking
  • makes it more realistic
  • Largess=gifts
  • Macbeth lies about thinking about sisters
  • Hamlet was trying to resolve himself to act
  • Hamlet knew he had to kill, Macbeth is conflicted and not resolved
  • The bell rings the clock ring snapped him out of thoughts
  • The sentinel wolf and other around it are designed for supernatural purpose
  • Tarquine plotted against the Gods acted nice but was false
  • Macbeth may not be worth blessing
  • Equivocate: takes both sides of an argument 


  1. Were these notes taken during the in-class discussion? If so, thanks for posting them. The comparisons that were made in class were pretty nice, and I regret not writing them down myself.

    1. Yeah they were. Glad you liked them. Yeah I forget a lot after class so I didn't want to lose anything valuable.
